Woodrow Wilson (U.S.A.)
- Brought up 14 points - Didn't want another war George Clemenceau (French) -wanted Germany to pay. -restrict on army David Lloyd George (British) - Germany pay - Stay ok with economy 14 points - Free trade -Freedom of the Sea -Disarmament -Return of Russian territory held by Germany -League of Nations (collective security) -Self Determination The War Guilt Clause - Germany has all the fault starting war. Poland got it's identity back and country. Neutral areas needed. The role of women - Women ran the industry - They got right to vote. - Temperance movements succeed in getting prohibition. David - He trained as Lawyer, Liberal - Womenizer Wilson - Very realizion - had spanish flew - killed more people from war - 14 points - toured people around the country to convince people to vote for his policy Georges Clemenceau -media man, high school teacher |
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