-the 1917 revolution -lenin founder of communism -'Peace, land , and bread' -trotsky
-Mensheviks wants conference for communism
- Poisoned - shot - beaten - shot again - tied and thrown in a river
- groing middle class of people were satisfied woth what they had. - They did not wanted the change. - leon trotsky and jseph stalin - comoscated. - They werer all legal. - no other political party was not allowed. - formed a counter revolutionary - Cossacks--> need horse, upper class - Peasants were neutrals. - Industry was nationalized - He needs capitalism to bring up. - co-operatives, sell more made stuff - NEP - comintern( communist international)
- heavy industry - steel - coal - oil - wood
- 1932 62% of all peasants collectivized - old heroes were killed or exiled - 1 in 5 officers of the army executed - leader less - show trials - can never win - takes alomg all relatives -nazi-soviet Non-Agrression pact - divide Poland - gave raw war materials to German -blitzkrieg attack