The Weimar Republic -communist uprising in 1919 by Spartakists League (First attempt) -like Lenin 1917 revolution.
The Kapp Putch, 1920 -Wolfgang Kapp march on Barlin in March 1920. - German workers went on strike not supporting them.
Hyper Inflation -French did not care about Inflation. -French Occipation of region in 1923 -French forcing to fun factory.
Maginot Line - Concrete Wall seized with tanks and soldiers to stop Germany. - worst tine to make
Mussolini used blackshirts as a paramilitary force.
Mussolini used political system to take over government and country. Fascism -Imperialistic -taking over other colonies -bringing their theme - Totalitarian -only one top ruler.
The Lateran Accords, 1929 - The Catholic Church
The beginnings of Hitler - Hitler was Austrian Mein Kampf - the book written by Hitler in prison. -talks about the Jewish's greed. Hilter joined German-Workers Party in 1920 -(anti-weimar republic) - changed name to National Socialist German Workers Party( NAZI )
The Locarno Pact in 1925 - Braitain, France, Belgium, Italy, and Germany sighned in. - puts fear in Russia.
Dawes Plan - Gustav Stresemann - German's didn't like him.